
Category Fitment

Glass Roller Ball Fitment

Glass Roller Ball Fitment

The Glass Roller Ball Fitment is a convenient and versatile accessory that transforms any glass bottle into a rollerball applicator. This fitment is made from high-quality glass and features a smooth rolling ball that helps to evenly apply essential oils,…

Pink Quartz Roller Ball Fitment

Pink Quartz Roller Ball Fitment

The Pink Quartz Roller Ball Fitment is a handy tool to enhance your essential oil experience.  It’s a beautiful, stainless steel roller ball fitting that promotes the easy application of your favorite essential oils. This fitment is perfect for individuals…

Stainless Steel Roller Fitment

The Stainless Steel Roller Fitment is a high-quality, durable solution perfect for businesses and individuals looking for a reliable and long-lasting packaging solution. Made from high-grade stainless steel, this roller fitment is built to withstand heavy wear and tear, ensuring…

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